
Dying patients living longer than expected lose NHS funds (BBC News,

Fast Track パスウェイとは、悪化の進行が早くて終末期が見込まれる病状の患者さんを見極めて、簡単な手続きで迅速に在宅医療につなげるアセスメント・ツールらしいのだけど、 www.datadictionary.nhs.uk ところが、これがまた、本来の趣旨から外れて、切り…

International Phychogeriatrcis(2020) Commentary: Advocacy for the human rights of older people in the COVID pandemic and beyond: a cll to mental health professionals

Advocacy for the human rights of older people in the COVID pandemic and beyond: a call to mental health professionals - PMC 著者はCarmelle Peisah(豪), Andrew Byrnes(豪), Israel (Issi) Doron(イスラエル), Michael Dark(米) and Gerard …