オーストリア 医師幇助自殺合法化要件




those over the age of 18 who are suffering from “incurable, fatal illness” or a serious permanent illness with debilitating effects that “cannot otherwise be averted” have the right to apply for assisted suicide, which will be a strictly regulated process.

To be allowed to end their lives, patients must provide confirmation of their diagnosis and their ability to make decisions “free from error, cunning, deception, physical or psychological coercion and influence by third parties.” Minors or those with mental health conditions do not fall under the law.

After obtaining the approval of two doctors, one of whom should have qualifications in palliative medicine, the patient should wait for 12 weeks – or two weeks in the case of terminal illness – to reflect on the decision. They should then notify a lawyer or a notary to document all the stages of the process. The person can then be prescribed a lethal drug.

A list of pharmacies where such medications are dispensed will be compiled and kept up to date by the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, but to prevent abuse, the list will not be made available to the public.


